Members of the Helmsmen:

The personnel of the HELMSMEN of Ohio are:




Ken Eash.  Ken is a retired school teacher and children’s pastor, sings baritone and manages the Helmsmen of Ohio.  He is the founder of the Helmsmen.  He actually started the group in 1969.  Ken and Lorri have been married 52 years, and they have four children and 13 grandchildren. Along with singing, Ken enjoys playing the piano, guitar and bass guitar.  He has been singing in groups since his teen years:  Kings Quartet, Messengers, &  Wayfarers.   Ken is a registered song evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene.  His favorite verse is Proverbs 3:6, “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”



David Zink is our new bass.  Picture and bio to follow soon!